About Our School

What Makes Us Special
Pueblo Gardens is a neighborhood PreK-8 school close enough that most children can walk to school or are within easy driving distance. The school has a collaborative culture. For example, the Academic Parent Teacher Team, made up of teacher and parents, meets four times a year to discuss curriculum and achievement, and parents take home goals and activities for their kids.

The school develops leaders through the “Leaders in Me” program based on the Stephen Covey’s “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” This provides a positive framework for improving personal confidence and academic performance.

Dr. Trujillo's Visit – Sept 2023

Dr. Trujillo, our Superintendent, visited the Pueblo Gardens PreK-8 School at the end of September 2023.

  • Topics: Talks with staff & students, Presented Awards, Talks w/ Dr. Konrad (Principal)
  • Awards:
    • Kim French, 5th Grade Teacher – Legendary Teacher Nominee & Superintendent's Certificate of Excellence
    • Angela Cisneros, 1st Grade Teacher – Legendary Teacher Nominee & Superintendent's Certificate of Excellence
    • Renata Ramos, 6th Grade Student – Superintendent's Certificate of Excellence
  • Featured Student Programs: Verizon Innovative Learning Lab and Preschool Program